Dr Jaremi Grześkowiak D.O. PL flag (tel. 695 611 061)

Certified osteopath, physiotherapist

Applied therapeutic methods

Manual therapies

Applied manual therapies based on osteopathic medicine stimulate the self- healing mechanism by removing blockages in human body’s structures, improvement of body fluids (blood, lymph, cerebrospinal fluid) and regulation of the Autonomic Nervous System.

Modern methods of treatment and diagnosis of soft tissues

The treatment of the locomotor system by application of the trigger points technique, myofascial release and muscle energy techniques. Therapies are based on patient-friendly techniques, which are painless and use the breath work.

Craniosacral Therapy CS

Craniosacral Therapy originates from osteopathy– one of the manual therapy areas. It’s a non-invasive, safe manual therapy method, which effectively improves the body’s self-regulation process and guarantees a major relief in various dysfunctions and pain issues.

Visceral Manipulation Therapy CS

Similarly to the craniosacral therapy, it’s one of the osteopathy’s pillars. This therapy is based on the knowledge of location, function and activity of internal organs and their mutual interactions with the locomotor system.

Forms of therapeutic work

  • relaxation techniques, stress therapy
  • trauma, stress and emotion releasing exercises (TRE)
  • improvement after injuries and operations

Treatment of

  • post-sports and traffic injuries condition
  • postoperative condition (scar work)
  • headaches, migraine, vertigo
  • tinnitus
  • back and peripheral joints pain
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Premenstrual Syndrome
  • dysmenorrhea
  • urinary incontinence
  • emotional tension

and more.

Manual therapies are based on restoring the lost function by the use of various techniques.

Manual therapies are based on a peculiar tissue aesthesis, and therapist’s great palpation sensitivity.

Each therapy is individually set to satisfy patient’s needs and possibilities to bring about a maximal reaction in order to reach/restore the balance of the body.